mercoledì 8 maggio 2013

This April 2013, 3C composed and illustrated their first Art and Poetry book,
'My Voice is Art Art is my Voice'.
During their English lessons with Prof. Kohl and Prof. Crabb, the students composed poetry. These poems then went on to serve as inspiration for the students in their art classes, where they created illustrations for the book.
Here is a link, so that you can take a look at the book online :
Each of the 3C students and their English and Art teachers have ordered a copy of the book, which is currently being published and shipped to Monza, along with an extra 15copies for any teachers, parents or friends of the school who might be interested in obtaining their very own edition of 'My Voice is Art Art is my Voice'.
Anyone who would like to buy one of these extra copies, please email Prof. Eimear Doherty <> or Prof. Amber Kohl <> for more information.
Finally, Prof. Doherty, Prof. Kohl and Prof. Crabb would like to congratulate all of 3C on
the publication of this book.,
They all worked very hard together and dedicated a lot of their free time to ensure the
best results
were achieved.
Your hard work has made us very proud and we are all very excited to see the final

Prof. Eimear Doherty.

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