martedì 7 febbraio 2012


Here is a selection of the works created by 3^ Media (a, b and c veicolare) in October- November 2011. The project began with the study of Caravaggio, where the students learnt about the famous Italian artist's life and approach to art. One of the paintings they studied was the 'Narcissus' (or 'Narciso'). The students used this work as a starting point for their project. Using tracing paper, they copied the image of Caravaggio's Narcissus from a copy onto their own page and in the process they learnt about symmetry and mirroring images. Once they had transferred the image, the students had to recreate their own version of Caravaggio's Narcissus, inventing a new character and setting. As you can see, the they were very creative and imaginative!
 Dopo lo studio dell'opera, della vita e dello stile del Caravaggio ciascun allievo si è confrontato con il principio della simmetria riproponendo la figura di Narciso in contesti creativi e curandone la veste cromatica con uno studio della tecnica dei pastelli colorati.
Progetto di rielaborazione dell'opera “Narciso” di Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, realizzata durante l'ora di Educazione artistica dagli alunni delle classi terze A, B e C veicolare
Prof. Doherty and Prof. Silva

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